Inner Self & Money

Sharon Duncan

I’ve said for years now, Money is the longest relationship you ever have.

Think about that.

Much like a relationship with our friends and family, the money relationship includes support, communication, trust, discord (often), and above all teamwork.

It affects our emotions, how we feel about ourselves in relation to it, and can empower us through our personal growth, around our money relationship, to become the best version of ourselves.

If we begin to use our money as a tool, a stepping stone toward our visions and goals, learning how to navigate and negotiate all the changes that happen in our lives in connection to our money, we can harness its superpower in our lives.

Once time is taken to understand our relationship with money, we put a plan in place, give money a clear purpose in our lives, true financial freedom ~ internal freedom ~ is possible.

Freedom to live the Life you want with Money to support you.

Most people use money as an end to a means… without understanding the superpower that we have in our money.

Where do you want freedom? How can money support that?

What is your money telling you about your relationship to it today?

Do you trust yourself with your money?

Do you use money for your ego, inner victim or greater good?

Have you taken the time to understand how to use your money wisely in your life?

Freedom, life, money…