Finding light in the shadows of financial loss

I’ve been thinking a lot about how tough times, especially those involving money, can turn our world upside down.


What I’ve come to realize?


When the financial shit hits the fan, this challenge can hold the potential for profound and lasting transformation.


Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.”


He is absolutely right.


Financial losses—whether from a sudden job loss, getting caught in a scam, drowning in debt, or any unexpected financial curveball—can feel like the rug has been pulled from under you.


Let’s face it, even the best and brightest of us can get ~ duped, swindled, conned, deceived, defrauded, cheated, tricked, misled, or betrayed, by scam artists, trusted friends, or even worse, by a family member.


I’ve seen it time and time again with my clients, and I’ve experienced it myself.


The bottom line: it’s traumatizing.


It’s not just about the numbers in our bank accounts—it hits deeper.


A financial loss affects our sense of security and self-worth. The feeling like we’ve been betrayed by someone, or even that we’ve betrayed ourselves somehow by not doing the right thing to have avoided this altogether, makes us question ourselves and our ability to protect ourselves.


Financial losses you didn’t see coming (or maybe you did) can be like your self-esteem getting sucker punched, sending you out into left field, and you don’t know how to play baseball.


It’s profoundly unsettling.


I know when it’s happened to me, I’ve felt super vulnerable, isolated, and totally doubting all my decisions.


It’s a kind of emotional pain that invaded and darkened every area of my life… because I could barely function. Lost sleep, anxiety, and depression were holding me hostage.


If this has happened to you?


There is hope.


Amid this turmoil, there can be a silver lining…


… you have to dive deep within yourself to look for it…


Using courage, kindness, and compassion towards self…


Dedicating to ourselves ~ that every day we’re going to take steps to come back bigger and financially stronger than before.


No. Matter. What.


We can flip this trauma into an opportunity by deciding to look at the event differently, by asking ourselves things like:


How can I learn from this? How can I overcome and thrive? How can this be my biggest teacher? How can I be of service and help others, while helping myself?


Just by asking those questions of ourselves, we can begin to move the needle of fear into feeling better.


The more we focus on personal growth and positive outcomes, the faster we can heal from the traumatic pain…


… and maybe step ourselves into personal growth & transformation that we couldn’t have envisioned before.


Here are a few gentle, everyday practices that have helped me and others find our footing again. Maybe they can offer you some comfort too:


  • Spiritual Practice: Sometimes these financial events can hit so deep that the only place to go is to a Higher Power for strength, courage, and understanding. Leaning into faith in Something Bigger than ourselves can be a great source of comfort and courage to move forward in a meaningful way.


  • Gratitude Practice: Starting or ending your day by listing things you’re thankful for can shift your focus from what’s been lost to what remains. It’s a simple yet profound way to cultivate positivity.


  • Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be incredibly cathartic. It helps you process your emotions and gain clarity. Sometimes, seeing our fears on paper can make them seem more manageable.


  • Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices invite peace into our present moments, teaching us to navigate our thoughts and emotions with grace. They remind us that we’re not defined by our financial setbacks.


  • Financial Literacy: Taking small steps to better understand money management can empower us. Knowledge is power, and it’s also healing. There are tons of resources out there, from books to podcasts, that can demystify the financial world. Try my Instant Money Relief—it’s free!


  • Physical Activity: Never underestimate the power of a good walk or yoga session. Moving our bodies can help shake off the stress and bring a new perspective to our challenges.


  • Community Support: Connecting with others can be incredibly reassuring. Whether it’s a support group, a financial coach, or just a friend who listens, sharing our stories can make our burdens feel lighter.


  • Creative Outlets: Exploring creativity, whether through art, music, cooking, or gardening, can be a beautiful way to express and understand our journey. Changing our focus to something that fills our hearts with wonder and joy, is healing. It’s not about the end product but the process of creating something uniquely ours.


The really important thing to remember here…


Resentments (even justifiable ones) are like drinking poison and expecting the other person to suffer. In holding on to anger and staying in the story of being robbed, you’ll suffer over and over again. Plus, while we are reexperiencing this event and staying mad, we shut ourselves off from the good things in our lives.


Financial healing is not linear; it’s a process. It’s perfectly okay to have days when you feel like you’re back at square one.


What matters is that you keep moving, taking positive action steps at your own pace. This journey of financial healing might just reveal strengths you never knew you had, opening doors to possibilities that were once hidden in the shadow of financial loss.


If financial trauma has happened to you, you’re not alone in this.


I’m here for you, cheering you on, believing in brighter days ahead.


Remember this:, there’s a whole world of beauty and opportunity waiting on the other side of this challenge.

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