Transform Your 3 a.m. Money Worries into Peaceful Dreams

Ever found yourself wide awake at 3 a.m., your mind racing, and you’re scared shitless about money?


Well, me too…


Yep… after 37 years of working with people, their money, their taxes—worries about money can still keep me up at night.


I’m not a good sleeper anyway; honestly, it’s been years since I’ve had a full night’s rest. I’m lucky to sleep all the way through until morning once or twice a year. Crazy, right?


I can normally entertain myself peacefully while I’m awake by listening to a show or book on tape—to keep my mind occupied so I don’t go into that deep dive of the 3 a.m. of catastrophic thinking.


But my financial fear button was pushed big time (as you probably are aware if you’ve read my last 2 emails)…


And there was no way to stop that freight train of all bad news. I couldn’t stop thinking:


… nothing is ever going to be right.


… how could this happen.


… I can see my financial future and it’s baaaadddd.


… my life sucks.


… I’m a mess.


And it’s all made-up crap that couldn’t be further from the truth.


If this sounds familiar?


You’re not alone. Especially when that 3 a.m. head trash is about money.


The phenomenon of having our “worst thinking” or our most anxious thoughts at 3 a.m. happens to all of us…


… and is attributed to how our bodies and minds operate during the night.


Our circadian rhythms, or internal clocks, regulate sleep and wakefulness.


During the early morning hours, a natural dip in our body’s core temperature and alertness, can affect our mental state. This period can make us more susceptible to negative thinking because we’re in a less optimal state for rational thought and emotional regulation.


Okay, so our brains aren’t at the peak of their game at 3 a.m.—let’s face it, we’re supposed to be recharging our batteries then, so we’re already depleted.


We’re also alone, in the dark with no distractions, isolated, and we can’t call our bestie to say, “Help!! My mind is in the shitter!”


So, in my desperate attempt to get a good and peaceful night’s rest, here’s what I’ve been doing to get through these night terrors before I go to sleep:


  • Improve Sleep Hygiene: I stick to a regular sleep schedule, create a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation, and ensure my sleeping environment is conducive to rest (cool, dark, and quiet).


  • Limit Screen Time before Bed: This is a tough one for me… I’m all about YouTube before bed. But exposure to the light from screens interferes with my circadian rhythm and makes it harder to fall asleep… and stay asleep. So when sleep is at the forefront… I avoid screens for at least an hour before bed.


  • Forgive Myself for Being Awake. One of the biggest emotional charges is that while I’m having trouble getting to sleep, I beat myself up for being awake! Forgiveness is key to reducing the negative emotional charge I’ve directed right at me—cuz it’s not my fault!


Another course of action is to pull out my self-compassion and have a “go-to” list of things to do while I am awake: I call it:


**Step into Serenity: Your Guide to Nighttime Peace**


  • **Embrace Mindfulness:** Begin by grounding yourself in the present moment. Mindfulness isn’t just about being calm; it’s about acknowledging your fears without judgment and giving yourself permission to address them when the time is right—during the daytime when action is clear! 


  • **Visualize Success:** I picture a future where my financial concerns are resolved. This visualization isn’t just fantasy—it’s a road map to where I want to be. 


  • **Journal Your Journey:** Keep a notepad by the bed. When worries wake you, write them down. This act of externalizing your fears can make them feel more manageable and less daunting. 


  • **Breathe Through It:** Engage in deep, soothing breaths. Each breath is a step toward tranquility, helping to quiet the mental noise that money worries often bring. 


  • **Plan and Educate:** Allocate time during the day to learn about financial management and to plan. Knowledge and preparation can transform anxiety into action; that always feels better!


  • **Seek Support:** I remember I am not alone. Whether professional advice or community support, a world of resources is out there waiting to help me navigate any issue I need support with.


  • **Your Invitation to Change:** I remember that this time is calling me to make a change and to embrace the challenge. 


My mission: to take action and stop the emotional suffering at 3 a.m. that isn’t even true!


Action is the key to empowerment and change.


Using this plan of action, I am already sleeping better. The worry is lessening, and the clarity and healing around the emotional pain is happening.


Ready to change your 3 a.m. concerns into peaceful dreams?


Give my road map to transform your 3 a.m. worries a try.


Let tonight be the last night money worries steal your sleep.


So you can have sweet dreams…

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